JayFoxRox successfully got this built on Linux before (I haven't tried this with espes' branch) but his branch has some files exclusive to him for legal purposes.CXBX Emulator. A word of warning: so far, XQEMU appears to work best on MacOSX, which is the OS I will be using for this guide.Game development hobbyist and self-described Xbox fan Voxel9 recently shared a YouTube video in which he boots up the XQEMU Xbox emulator on a Switch and manages to load and play some games.Except for the ones it uses and ships itself, that is. Nintendo Switch made to run Halo via XQEMU emulator on Linux.Potential XQEMU developers are …Oct 04, 2018 Download Page: EX360e Xbox 360 Sep 06, 2017Nov 18, 2020Welcome, XQEMU Developers!¶ Community¶.